Poison-prevention Materials

Here are ways you can utilize poison-prevention materials:

Educational materials

We provide free educational materials like stickers, magnets, and brochures to distribute to large audiences. Order these free materials through the online ordering platform.

Handouts, posters and activity sheets

Download free handouts, posters, and activity sheets—right to your desktop or device. Here's the list of PDF files you can download, print and share:


Recognize Poisons In & Around Your Home Poster with Safety Tips

safety tips graphic

Poisons around the house

Poisons can be found around the home environment whether outdoors or indoors. Learn how to spot poisons and prevent poisoning. This is a double-sided poster with information and tips.


Medicine Chart for Older Adults with Safety Tips

Medicine for older adults chart

Use the Medicine Chart for Older Adults with Safety Tips to effectively manage medicines. Print and share to prevent poison risks from medicines.


Poison Safety Online Course

This online course is free to the public. Learn about poisons, prevention and who to call for help. Print and share to promote this learning opportunity.


Be Poison Safe with Weekly Text Tips - For Caregivers & Families

Receive tips, facts and more from the California Poison Control System straight to your phone. Find out more about how to subscribe. Print and share with caregivers and families to promote this learning opportunity.


Be Poison Safe with Weekly Text Tips - For Teens

Receive tips, facts and more from the California Poison Control System straight to your phone. Find out more about how to subscribe. Print and share with teens to promote this learning opportunity.