Poison Hotline | 1-800-222-1222
For poison-related help, questions, and advice, call our poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. We offer fast, free, expert help 24 hours a day, every day. Language interpreter services are offered in more than 200 different languages and calls are kept confidential.
- Using your text telephone, dial 711 or the toll-free number for your state
- The communications assistant (CA) will answer by identifying the Relay and providing their CA number and gender
- The CA will then type “NUMBER TO CALL PLS Q GA.” Provide the area code and telephone number you want to call, 1-800-222-1222 for the Poison Hotline.
Provide any additional instructions.
California Poison Control divisions
Divisions use uniform protocols and guidelines to provide free, immediate, high-quality emergency telephone advice for poison exposures, to the public and medical professionals. Geographical redundancy across the state allows CPCS to provide services uninterrupted, in the event of natural disasters affecting one, two or three divisions.
Central office
California Poison Control System
UCSF School of Pharmacy
490 Illinois St., Floor 3
Box 1262
San Francisco, CA 94143
Tel: 415-345-0820 (administrative calls only)
Fax: 415-502-8620 (administrative faxes only)
Email: [email protected]
Executive Director
Stuart E. Heard, PharmD, FCSHP
Health Education Program
Fresno/Madera division
California Poison Control System at Valley Children’s Hospital
9300 Valley Children’s Place MB15
Madera, CA 93638-8762
Tel: 559-446-3800 (administrative calls only)
Sacramento division
California Poison Control System at UC Davis Medical Center
2315 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817-2201
Tel: 916-732-8500 (administrative calls only)
San Diego division
California Poison Control System at UC San Diego Medical Center
200 W. Arbor Dr.
San Diego, CA 92103-8925
Tel: 619-497-8500 (administrative calls only)
San Francisco division
California Poison Control System at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center
UCSF Box 1369
San Francisco, CA 94143
Tel: 415-643-3200 (administrative calls only)
Website feedback
Email: [email protected]